All Glenlake's Bingos Are Held At:

2604 35th Avenue NE

Sign Up for Bingos

BINGO Positions

Bingo Worker (1) Works at 1 Bingo session at an assigned position.
Bingo Chairperson (2) Coordinates a bingo session, ensuring all positions are filled.  Phones all volunteers for specific Bingo session 48 hours prior to bingo date, assumes Chairperson responsibilities at Bingo hall and delivers Bingo sign in sheet and financial paperwork to Treasurer.


BINGO Workers For Hire

Open bingo worker contact details.  Please note in no way are these people associated with Glenlake. Individuals enter into an agreement at their own risk and it is up to the individual to ensure the alternates name is on the sign up list and volunteer credits are earned.

All positions are on a first come, first served basis.